Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Hi 1D! Remember, there are TWO Zoom Rooms open in the mornings every day for parents or children to access a teacher for help: Mr. Ingersoll: new video -- (link to zoom room: https://zoom.us/j/3073801248 from 11-12) Ms. Takamura: video-- (link to zoom room: https://zoom.us/s/902550190 from 10:30-12) | ||||||
| Good morning Scientist! Welcome back to another full day of digital learning! This week we will learn about Stars and constellations! 1. Watch Pebble Go ( username: graded sp password: school) 2. Watch the video “What Are Stars?” 3. Watch Ms. Jennifer's video 4. Make your own constellation. Try showing it on the wall in a dark and lit up room 5. Answer the conclusion question on Flipgrid by Monday, April 20th " Why can you not see stars during the day? Wilker Science | |||||
| Today in reading, we are focusing on revisiting books to learn more! 1. Watch Ms. England’s video 2. Listen to Ms. Heineberg reading Pinky and Rex 3. Listen to Ms. Heineberg reading Pinky and Rex AGAIN! 4. Make a Flipgrid video sharing what you noticed the second time you listened to Ms. Heineberg that you had NOT NOTICED the first time 5. Read independently for 10 minutes. Then, go back and read the same books again and see what you notice the second time. Ms. Wilker’s reading When you have finished your assignment, click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our language arts class. No screens allowed! | |||||
| Grammar Time! 1. Check your teacher's feedback from the last grammar lesson: Thursday, April 9: Grammar Time! 2. Then watch today's video about "ing" verbs. 3. Write three or more sentences about the playground picture using "ing" verbs. 4. Show your sentences on Flipgrid and make a video reading your sentences. Ms. Wilker’s grammar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITING: Don’t forget to listen to your teacher’s feedback from Monday :) 1. Watch Ms. Wilker's Flipgrid lesson about writing multiple endings. 2. Write 2 NEW ideas for endings and glue them to your original ending paper (flap or strip). 3. Choose the best idea: a. Talk out your ideas with a partner (parent or sibling). b. Write your NEW ending OR add to your original ending to make it even better with action, talk, and feelings! 4. Do NOT make a Flipgrid video today, but keep the work you did to show your teacher during your check-in or small group. Ms. Wilker writing | |||||
Social and
| Hello First Grader’s! 1. Please Listen to me reading aloud a book called I like Myself (Ms. Bobbie 2. Watch My Flip Grid Video Ms. Wilker's Class 3. Make a list of 4 things you like about yourself. 4. Show your list to someone in your house, ask them to add one thing they like about you (No Flipgrid today) | |||||
| Let’s move Make a fruit smoothie https://safeYouTube.net/w/Igh4 exercises for kids YoYO If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes. Movement break activity check Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (gisela.maldonado@graded.br) | |||||
| Today we are getting ready for our math assessment tomorrow. Your mom or dad will need to be with you to help today! 1. Watch Ms. England's video 2. Watch Mrs. Takamura's video "Edulastic part 1" 3. Watch Mrs. Takamura's second video "Edulastic part 2" 4. Click on the directions link below. -Our class code for Edulastic is on flipgrid 5. With your mom or dad, follow the directions to set up your Edulastic account and complete the practice problem. 6. Do NOT post to flipgrid Ms. Wilker’s math | |||||
Check Ins
with Zoom
| At your check in time please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with Ms. Wilker. Thank you! 1:00 -Chloe
1:30 -Matheus
2:00 -Ezra
2:30 - Olivia
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Reminders for Portuguese:
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Portuguese assignments to send to your Portuguese teachers: 2ª feira: Escrevam uma página do seu livro do fim de semana. Estes documentos podem te ajudar a deixar sua história mais detalhada: Acrescente detalhes à sua história: Quem, quando, onde? 3ª feira: Façam uma página do livro “Ordem Alfabética”. Esta semana, gostaríamos que vocês fizessem uma das páginas dos animais brasileiros. Quem já fez, pode escolher uma outra. Peçam para um adulto tirar uma foto e enviar esta atividade e a atividade de ontem por e-mail para sua professora de Português.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday: Write one page on your “Fim de semana” journal. The following documents can help you write more detailed stories: Acrescente detalhes à sua história: Quem, quando, onde? Tuesday: Do the “Animais Brasileiros” page of the “Ordem Alfabética” book, and organize the words in Alphabetical order. If you have already done this page, you can choose another one. Then, ask your parents to take a picture of it and send it to your teacher as well as the work from yesterday. |
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