Tuesday, April 28, 2020

England: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Ms. Takamura's small groups please click on this Zoom link.

First Grade Scientists,
This week you will design, build, and test a model to help protect Angelina and her friends at recess.

1. Watch Ms. H's video.

2. Collect materials, plan, and build a model that provides shade for your model sized "child".

3.Test your model in the sunlight.

4. The student Flipgrid response video is due on May 4th. This is your final assignment for this science unit, so it is very important that you turn it in ON TIME!

Show your model on Flipgrid and answer the questions:
    1. Why is it important to build a cover/shaded area for the children?
    2. Which materials did you use to build your model and why did you
         choose them?
    3. Did your model work? If not, why did it not work and how could
        you change it?

Ms. England’s class science

Today we are going to continue to focus on character’s by speaking like we think they would speak.

1. Watch Ms. England's video

2. Read independently for 20 minutes.

-Practice reading using your characters’ voices.

3. Record a video on Flipgrid reading using your characters’ voices.
    -Only post one video (reading for at least 1 minute, but no more than 2

Ms. England’s class reading

When you have finished your assignment, click on this NEW choice and pick an activity to complete until our language arts class. No screens allowed!
Language Arts
Grammar Time!

1. Check Ms. Varela's feedback from the last grammar lesson: Thursday, April 23: Grammar Time!

2. Watch today's video two or three times.

3. Make your own video just like the one you watched. Try to use different nouns!

Ms. England’s class grammar



1. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video about what our favorite series authors do.

2. Pick one of your books that is complete or that has many pages written and reread it.

3. Look at the poster Our Favorite Series Authors...

4. Pick 2 or 3 strategies/ideas from the poster and add to your book. Write for the remainder of the 25 minutes,

5. Do NOT post to Flipgrid today.

Ms. England’s class writing


10:00 - 12:00 Ms. England is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Varela is available on Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Social and
Do something away from your computer. Try one of the new choice activities!

Let’s do a different game. You can use paper, pillows, rugs, chairs, different materials you have at home. See the rules on the link below:

The floor is Lava

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement break activity check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (gisela.maldonado@graded.br)
1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Watch Ms. Eureka's video.

3. Click on the link for the pattern blocks.

4. Complete the problem set on pages 203 and 204.

5. Make a video on Flipgrid showing the exit ticket from page 205.

Ms. England’s class math

Por favor, voltem nos posts do Flipgrid que vocês fizeram na semana passada (contando o que vocês aprenderam com a leitura sobre os animais). Vejam o feedback que sua professora deixou para vocês e, se necessário, façam os ajustes sugeridos.

Façam uma página do livro “Ordem Alfabética”. Esta semana, gostaríamos que vocês fizessem mais uma das páginas dos animais brasileiros. Quem já fez, pode escolher uma outra. Peçam para um adulto tirar uma foto e enviar esta atividade e a atividade de ontem por e-mail para sua professora de Português.
Check the feedback your Portuguese teacher left for you on your Flipgrid videos from last week. Make adjustments, if necessary.

Do another page of the “Animais Brasileiros” in the “Ordem Alfabética” book, and organize the words in Alphabetical order. If you have already done the two pages, you can choose another one. Then, ask your parents to take a picture of it and send it to your teacher as well as the work from yesterday.

Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with Ms. England.

Thank you!


11:00  Helena
1:00    Daniel
1:30    Samuel
2:00    Lily
2:30    Lauren
Remember to check your feedback!

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