Monday, February 17, 2020

Lower School Update - February 17, 2020

Community B Assembly
Please join us for the Community B Assembly on Thursday, February 20 at 8:15 am in the auditorium.  Our students have some wonderful learning they can’t wait to share with you.

STUCO Spirit Week
Our Lower School Student Council is super excited about Spirit Week, February 17-21. Show your school spirit with special dress up days for the whole week!  Please see below for details of each day.

On Friday, we celebrate Carnaval 2020! This year we will continue to celebrate in an environmentally friendly way (no confetti or streamers).  There is no school Feb 24-28 but we look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, March 2.

Upcoming Important Dates
February 17
Spirit Week - Twin Day 
February 18
2nd grade field trip Sitio do picapau amarelo
Spirit Week - Sports Day
February 19 
Spirit Week - Crazy Day
February 20
8:15 am Learning Community B Assembly (auditorium)
Spirit Week - Pajama Day 
February 21
Carnaval Assemblies
Spirit Week - Carnaval Day
February 24 - 28
No School (Carnaval)

Around the Lower School

Friday, February 14, 2020

Carnaval na Graduada!

 O carnaval está chegando!
                    E o Lower School cairá na folia! 

Na próxima sexta-feira, dia 21 de fevereiro,  teremos o nosso tradicional Assembly de Carnaval, com a participação da Trupe Pé de Histórias, para celebrar essa importante manifestação da cultura popular brasileira!  

Todos os alunos podem vir fantasiados para se divertirem ainda mais!  

Carnaval is coming! And the Lower School will be celebrating this Brazilian cultural event next Friday, February 21. The group “Trupe Pé de Histórias"  will join us in our annual Carnaval Assembly. All students can wear costumes and help make this event more fun.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Curriculum Update

Literacy- In writing students have moved from judging collections to writing opinion pieces about topics. They are working hard to add more and use craft to convince their readers. In reading, students are continuing to work on using strategies to decode words and expand their understanding of what they are reading. Asking themselves key questions about tricky words, such as "does it make sense?" "does it sound right?" and "does it look right?" helps students determine if they are reading challenging words correctly.

Math- Students have explored measurement and learned the rules for measurement and comparing items in measurement. They are beginning to use graphs to interpret data. They are collecting, sorting, and organizing data; then answering questions about a graph. Students are learning how to use tallies.

Science- Students are learning about different sources of light (natural and artificial). They are also observing how we use light in order to communicate. Students explored in the Innovation Studio how some objects block light and other objects reflect it, and others allow light to go through it. Students are now learning how shadows are made. Soon we will begin to learn about Sound, as well.

Portuguese - Inspired by author Eva Furnari, students are working on rhyming words in order to reflect about the sounds of the letters and expand their vocabulary. They are also reading traditional tales to observe similarities and differences between what we say and what is written.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Lower School Update - February 10, 2020

Community A Assembly
Please join us for the Community A Assembly on Thursday, February 13 at 8:15 am in the auditorium.  Our students have some wonderful learning they can’t wait to share with you.

LS Movie Night
We are pleased to host the second movie night of the year on February 14th! Please join us for snacks and drinks on the Lower School Playground at 3:30 pm. The movie will start promptly in the Lower School Gym at 4:15 pm. Be sure to check your email to vote by the evening of February 10th for the movie you would most like to see! Results will be posted here on February 12th.  Please note that students must be accompanied by an adult family member.

STUCO Spirit Week
Our Lower School Student Council is super excited about Spirit Week, February 17-21. They are planning some fun dress up days so be sure to plan ahead and get ready to show off your school spirit!

Lost and Found
We consistently have a large amount of lost clothing and other items in our Lost and Found.  It would help tremendously if you would label your child’s items with first and last name. We would love to be able to identify the owners of these items. This especially applies to swim bags which are lost quite often. 

Special Waiting Area
For students who are picked up by nannies and drivers, we have a special waiting area.  Upon being fingerprinted and registered in Veracross, family employees will pick up and drop off students in the Waiting Area, located in the Bus Parking Lot. Teachers of students in younger grades will walk these students to this area at the end of the school day. 

Upcoming Important Dates
February 13
8:15 am Learning Community A Assembly (auditorium)
February 17
Spirit Week - Twin Day 
February 18
2nd grade field trip Sitio do picapau amarelo
Spirit Week - Sports Day
February 19 
Spirit Week - Crazy Day
February 20
8:15 am Learning Community B Assembly (auditorium)
Spirit Week - Pajama Day 
February 21
Carnaval Assemblies
Spirit Week - Carnaval Day
February 24 - 28
No School (Carnaval)

Around the Lower School

Rimas e Eva Furnari

Este mês, nas aulas de Português, estamos nos dedicando ao projeto “Não Confunda”, tendo como mentora a autora Eva Furnari. Neste projeto, além de conhecer melhor a autora, sua obra e seu estilo de escrita, também  fazemos um intenso trabalho de análise e reflexão sobre a língua, a partir das rimas.
A rima propicia, através de brincadeiras, a possibilidade de análise da relação entre as partes sonoras na escrita de diferentes palavras. Este tipo de análise é fundamental para que as crianças avancem na conceitualização da escrita.
       Para perceber essas semelhanças, a criança é inserida neste contexto por situações de oralidade e, depois, por meio da leitura e da escrita. Leituras, brincadeiras e jogos nutrem o repertório das crianças que podem expandir seu vocabulário e, consequentemente, oferecer a base para que passem a pensar a respeito de novas rimas e sobre a escrita convencional de novas palavras. 
       Com isso, em aula, lemos textos de diversos gêneros que contenham rimas, como poemas, parlendas, cantigas, contos ou mesmo títulos inteiramente dedicados a elas, como os livros “Não Confunda”, “Você troca”, e “Assim Assado”, de Eva Furnari.
       Além de nos propiciar esta reflexão, as obras desta autora nos permitem um momento de diversão pela observação de suas ilustrações e pela maneira como ela brinca com as palavras.
Caso queiram saber mais sobre a autora e sua obra, vale a pena visitar o site

Em casa, além de explorar o site e ler outras obras da autora, sugerimos, também, que vocês brinquem de rimas em português. Vocês podem ouvir músicas e tentar descobrir rimas, pensar em palavras que rimam com objetos que estão à nossa volta, inventar músicas e poemas, encontrar o maior número possível de rimas em livros que as crianças consigam ler, etc.  Essas brincadeiras. além de contribuírem para o desenvolvimento da linguagem oral, da leitura e da escrita de seus filhos, também renderão boas risadas. 

Bom divertimento!
Professoras de Português.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Lower School Update - February 3, 2020

Parent Coffee Tomorrow
Please join us tomorrow (Tues. Feb. 4) at 8:30 am in the LS Innovation Studio (next to the LS Library) for our parent coffee about our Montessori program in K3, K4, and K5. We will share the philosophy, what it looks like at Graded, and what you can do at home to support your child. We hope to see you there! 

Special Waiting Area
For students who are picked up by nannies and drivers, we have a special waiting area.  Upon being fingerprinted and registered in Veracross, family employees will pick up and drop off students in the Waiting Area, located in the Bus Parking Lot. Teachers of students in younger grades will walk these students to this area at the end of the school day. 

LS Movie Night
We are pleased to host the second movie night of the year on February 14th! Please join us for snacks and drinks on the Lower School Playground at 3:30 pm. The movie will start promptly in the Lower School Gym at 4:15 pm. Be sure to check your email to vote by February 10th for the movie you would most like to see! Results will be posted here on February 12th.  Please note that students must be accompanied by an adult family member.

STUCO Spirit Week
Our Lower School Student Council is super excited about Spirit Week, February 17-21. They are planning some fun dress up days so be sure to plan ahead and get ready to show off your school spirit!

Upcoming Important Dates
February 3
Photo Retakes
February 4
8:30 am Parent Coffee: Montessori Method (LS Innovation Studio, next to the LS Library)
February 5/6/7
5th Grade Field Trip - Peraltas
February 5/6/7
4th Grade Field Trip - Sitio do Carroção
February 13
8:15 am Learning Community A Assembly (auditorium)
February 17
Spirit Week - Twin Day 
February 18
2nd grade field trip Sitio do picapau amarelo
Spirit Week - Sports Day
February 19 
Spirit Week - Crazy Day
February 20
8:15 am Learning Community B Assembly (auditorium)
Spirit Week - Pajama Day 
February 21
Carnaval Assemblies
Spirit Week - Represent Brazil Day
February 24 - 28
No School (Carnaval)

Around the Lower School