Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Curriculum Update

Literacy- In writing students have moved from judging collections to writing opinion pieces about topics. They are working hard to add more and use craft to convince their readers. In reading, students are continuing to work on using strategies to decode words and expand their understanding of what they are reading. Asking themselves key questions about tricky words, such as "does it make sense?" "does it sound right?" and "does it look right?" helps students determine if they are reading challenging words correctly.

Math- Students have explored measurement and learned the rules for measurement and comparing items in measurement. They are beginning to use graphs to interpret data. They are collecting, sorting, and organizing data; then answering questions about a graph. Students are learning how to use tallies.

Science- Students are learning about different sources of light (natural and artificial). They are also observing how we use light in order to communicate. Students explored in the Innovation Studio how some objects block light and other objects reflect it, and others allow light to go through it. Students are now learning how shadows are made. Soon we will begin to learn about Sound, as well.

Portuguese - Inspired by author Eva Furnari, students are working on rhyming words in order to reflect about the sounds of the letters and expand their vocabulary. They are also reading traditional tales to observe similarities and differences between what we say and what is written.

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