Monday, September 9, 2019

Lower School Update - September 9, 2019

Deeper Learning in Math Parent Coffee
Thank you to all parents who were able to join us last Tuesday for our parent coffee about math. Below are the slides from the presentation. 

MAP Testing
Students in second to fifth grade will continue with MAP assessments this week in Reading, Math and Language Usage. You can find more information here. In several weeks, you will receive an email including your child’s scores.  It’s important to remember that this is a beginning of the year assessment and results are used to guide instruction for the school year.  

Learning Community A Assembly
This Thursday Learning Community A will start our first round of assemblies. For this assembly grandparents and special friends have been invited. We hope to have many community members on our campus for this special event. Please remember this is only community A this week, students from other communities will have their own event the following weeks (and as such, please do not remove children from their homerooms to attend this assembly as they will miss learning). The assembly will take place from 8:15-8:50, with classroom activities with grandparents/special friends from 9:00-9:30.

Reading at Home
There is loads of research about the importance of reading.  At Graded, we encourage all students to read for at least 20 minutes every night.  Why? Reading makes us smarter! The best part is that students can read whatever they like! Comic books, recipe tbooks, magazines or the latest novel - everything counts!  Read more about the benefits of reading here!

News from the Library
Parents are invited to attend a session with Alan Gratz, author of the heart-breaking and timely book Refugee, on Sept. 10 at 8:15 in the Auditorium. 

Peter Reynolds, internationally-renowned author and illustrator, will also be here in October. Stay-tuned for more details about special opportunities to spend time with him. 

One-stop shopping for your information needs: LS Library Website.

What is OLS?
OLS stands for Optimal Learning Services. It was a former acronym used by the US State Department for their overseas support for students with learning needs. OLS students typically have a diagnosis need in the area of core learning (reading, writing or math) or in attention and organization.  

What does OLS Support Look Like at Graded?
OLS services are provided either within the classroom where an OLS teacher co-teaches with the classroom teacher or they consult with the teacher to make sure accommodations are in place for the student. Students may come in with an evaluation report and we write individualized learning plans that use goals and objectives to address areas of need. Every time they receive a report card, they will also receive comments on their goal progress. We ask for re-evaluations every three years to determine if there is still a need for support.

How Can I Learn More About Graded’s OLS Program?
If you have any questions about the program please email Colette Bounet, our Lower School Student Services Coordinator. Her email is

Lower School Movie Night
Mark your calendars for our next Lower School Movie Night! This time we will start our afternoon with some play time on the LS Playground, with the movie taking place in the LS Gym starting at 4: 15. Snacks and treats will be served prior to the movie. Later this week you will have the opportunity to vote on the movie you would like to watch. We hope you can join us!

Upcoming Important Dates
September 2 to September 13
MAP Testing
September 10
8:30 am Parent Coffee: Visiting Author Alan Gratz (Auditorium)
September 12
8:15 am LS Community A Assembly (Auditorium)
Grandparents and Special Friends
September 19
8:15 am LS Community B Assembly (Auditorium)
Grandparents and Special Friends
September 20
Lower School Movie Night
September 23
LS Special Rotation Day A
September 24
LS Special Rotation Day B
September 25
LS Special Rotation Day C
September 26
LS Special Rotation Day D
8:15 am LS Community C Assembly (Auditorium)
Grandparents and Special Friends
September 27
No school for students

Around the Lower School 

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