Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Curriculum Updates

Literacy- In reading, students are continuing to build good habits, and are now focusing on rereading to build fluency. Fluency is an important skill because it allows students to focus their mental effort on understanding instead of decoding words. While working on writing students have been learning to bring characters to life in their stories. Additionally, students have been learning about common nouns and proper nouns (linked for you to practice at home with your child). We are using this knowledge to help our writing by practicing using lowercase letters throughout our writing, except for when we begin a sentence or write a name.

Math- Students are solving math stories and equations using 5-group cards and other counting-on strategies. They are building their numeration and place value skills learning the Say-Ten Way. They practice and repeat in order to refine their math skills which leads to automaticity with numbers.

Social Studies- This week, students are finishing up their first Social Studies unit: Classroom Family. Students are reviewing all of their classroom agreements and the Eagle Way. Vocabulary such as rules, conflict, problem solving, and cooperation are leading the activities and discussions. Later this week, students will be assessed on different behaviors that contribute to cooperation and conflict. After this unit is completed, students will begin a new Science unit

Science- Students are learning the difference between living and non living things. They learned that all living things grow, breathe, reproduce, and die. To see a living versus nonliving song please visit this link 

Portuguese- Estamos trabalhando com as letras do alfabeto e seus sons, olhando como elas soam nos nomes dos alunos da classe.

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