Thursday, May 7, 2020

Wilker: Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020
It's Gonna Be a Great Day! 10 Ways to Stay Positive | Sales Coach Dew

Ms. Takamura and Ms. Emily's small groups please click on this Zoom link.

Good morning girls and boys! Today we are going to reread to learn more about the characters.

1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Make a pile of books (with characters) that you have read before.

3. Reread these books for 20 minutes.

4. Share with a partner something that you noticed about the characters the second or third time you read.

Do NOT post to Flipgrid.

Ms. Wilker’s class reading


Veja o vídeo da sua professora de Português sobre outros biomas onde vivem os animais do Brasil.

Hoje você também não deve fazer vídeo no Flipgrid, mas preste bastante atenção nas informações do vídeo. Você vai precisar delas também para o jogo de amanhã!


Watch your Portuguese teacher’s video about the other biomes where animals in Brazil live.

Do not make a video on Flipgrid today, but pay close attention to the information on the video - you will also need the information in this one to play the game tomorrow.

Link D. Paula

Language Arts
Grammar Time!

Past Tense Verbs:

1. Watch the video and try to guess the hidden pictures.

2. Then write five of your own sentences using any of the past tense verbs in the video.

3. Make a Flipgrid video to show us your five sentences. Don't forget to read the sentences to us, too!

Ms. Wilker’s class grammar



1. Watch Ms. Wilker's Video, part 2

2. Continue to WRITE the next book in your series for 20-30 minutes today!

3. Use ALL you know to make the story realistic AND come ALIVE.

4. Make a Flipgrid video:

      - Show what you have done in the book so far.
      - Read all too please.

Ms. Wilker’s Writing

- Are you feeling stuck? Try to be more independent by looking at the posters, checklist or your previous books! :o)
Office Hours

10:00 - 12:00 Ms. Wilker is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00-12:00 Mr. Ingersoll is available on Zoom

Fit Dance and Advinhas with D. Dani and D. Ana

Stem Fun with Jen, Pietra and Camyla

Coloring and Conversation with Ms. Bruno

1st Grade Storytime & Book Chat with Dr. Purcell

Show and Tell with Ms. Bobbie


Let’s move. How many times can you do the sequence?

Dodge The Monster Workout

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement Break Check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (


1. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video.

2. Watch Ms. Eureka's video.

3. Complete pages 229, 230, and 231 in your blue book.

4. Show the Exit ticket to one of your parents.

Do Not post to Flipgrid today!

Ms. Wilker’s class- math

Music Activity 7 - Transition to Rhythm Notation 1-

Long Sounds

1- Perform the following 5 exercises clapping the sounds. Use the following link to access the document: Stick Rhythm Notation

2- If you successfully completed the activity, open the google form below and click yes. If you didn't click no. Quick Music Activity Check

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Olga (
Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below. We will begin meeting with both parents and students, but then dismiss the student half way through if parents wish to discuss social emotional issues or benchmarks. Please do not enter the chat early because another family might be speaking with me.

Thank you!

Zoom Link 

1:00 Malu
1:30 Colette
2:00 Alice
2:30 Isabela
Check your feedback.

Hat Day on Friday

Show and Tell on Friday---be able to talk about it usig 5W questions in complete sentences:
Who gave it to you?
What do you do with it?
Where did you get it or Where do you use/play with it?
When do you use/play with it.
Why is it your favorite?

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