Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wilker: Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ms. Emily's math small groups please click on Emily's Zoom Link.

If you haven't listened to your reading feedback from Tuesday, do that first.  Respond if the teacher asked you to do so.

Reading with fluency.

Ms. Wilker’s class reading

Ouçam a leitura de textos informativos sobre a dieta de outros animais.

Depois, releiam, pratiquem a leitura e escolham alguma informação para escreverem o seu “Você sabia” amanhã.

Listen to the reading of nonfiction texts about the diet of other animals.

Then, reread, practice reading and choose some information to write your “Did you know” tomorrow.

Link da D. Paula

Grammar Time!

Can you find the monkey?

Ms. Wilker’s class grammar


Listen to your feedback from Wednesday's pattern lesson before beginning!


Writers stretch out feelings and actions by adding patterns of THREE (patterns, part 2). 

Ms. Wilker’s Writing
Office Hours

10:00 - 12:00 Ms. Wilker is available online (contact her by email).

10:30-11:45 Ms. Emily’s office hours on Zoom.

11:00-12:00 Mr. Ingersoll is available on Zoom.


Fit Dance and Advinhas with D. Dani and D. Ana

Stem Fun with Jen, Pietra and Camyla

Coloring and Conversation with Ms. Bruno

Show and Tell with Ms. Bobbie


Let’s try a game? Maybe you already played it at school.

Flag Tag

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes.

Movement break check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (

If you have not listened to the feedback from Tuesday's lesson about time, please do and respond if I asked you to.  

What is a fraction?

Ms. Wilker’s class


Music Activity 9 –Transition to Rhythm Notation 3 –

Long and Short Sounds

1- Watch the video “Tooty Ta” to enjoy the rhythm and dance.

2- Perform the following 5 exercises with a homemade instrument. Use the following link to access the document: Stick Rhythm Notation 3

3- If you successfully completed the activity, open the google form below and click yes. If you didn't click no. Quick Music Activity Check

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Olga (

Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time, please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with me.


Thank you!

Please have these materials with you: 
your clock, your exit ticket 13/pg 256, and your writing, paper, pencil, and eraser

1:00 Malu
1:30 Colette
2:00 Alice
2:30 Isabela

There will be a new Social Studies lesson tomorrow.
If you haven't completed Tuesday's lesson,
please do.
Also, Check your Social Studies feedback :)

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