Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Heineberg: Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Virtual Field Trip to Space

Ms. Takamura and Ms. Emily's small groups please click on this Zoom link.

Hi Scientists!

Today we are going on a field trip! This trip will take place not only in science, but also in reading, writing and math! Start the day with science before moving on in your virtual field trip to space!

1. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video.

2. Explore the Solar System Scope website.

3. If you haven't, watch the Brainpopjr videos linked below.
    (username: graded2      password: graded)

Do NOT post to Flipgrid today.

Ms. Heineberg’s class

1. Watch Ms. England's video

2. Choose two or even three books to listen to from the first list OR listen to Magic School Bus.

       -Henry and Mudge and The Starry Night by Cynthia Rylant (6 minutes)
       -Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars by Cynthia Rylant (5 minutes)
       -Margaret and the Moon by Dean Robbins (7 minutes)
       -Moon! Earth's Best Friend by Stacy McAnulty (6 minutes)
       -Sun! One in a Billion by Stacy McAnulty (7 minutes)


        -The Magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space by Brian Meehl and
         Jocelyn Stevenson (24 minutes)

3. Talk to a partner about how the books reminds you of our science unit. What connections did you make?

4. (OPTIONAL) If you would like to learn more read one of the books from Razkids. Look at the Science Razkids books link to help you find books about the sun, moon and stars.

Do NOT post to Flipgrid.

Ms. Heineberg’s class reading

When you have finished your assignment, click on this NEW choice board and pick an activity to complete until language arts. No screens allowed!
Grammar Time!

1. Check Ms. Varela's feedback from the last grammar lesson: Thursday, April 30: Grammar Time!

2. Watch today's video and follow the directions to make silly, space stories using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Do NOT post a Flipgrid video today.

Ms. Heineberg’s class grammar



1. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video.

2. Reread the introduction story about Angelina and her friends at recess.

3. Plan and write an ending for the story.

4. Read your ending on Flipgrid.

Ms. Heineberg’s class

10:00 - 12:00 Ms. Heineberg is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Varela is available on Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Social and
Good Morning First Graders! I hope that you had fun yesterday watching the Nest! I missed seeing all of you! This week we are talking about gratitude, or what we are thankful for. Here is a fun scavenger hunt for you to practice remembering what you are thankful for!

Thankful Scavenger Hunt
Can you do it more than twice? Follow the movements of the monkey.

Workout for kids: Space Run

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement break activity check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (gisela.maldonado@graded.br)
1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Create another version of your playground with sun protection (or a first version if you have not made one yet).

3. Make a Flipgrid video sharing your playground and pointing out all the 2D and 3D shapes.

Ms. Heineberg’s class math

1. Ouça a música Ciranda dos Bichos, da Palavra Cantada e lembre do nome de alguns animais brasileiros. Aproveite para cantar e dançar junto!

2. Façam duas páginas do livro “Ordem Alfabética”. Peçam para um adulto tirar uma foto e enviar por e-mail para sua professora de Português.

1. Listen to the song “Ciranda dos Bichos”, by Palavra Cantada, in order to get familiar with some Brazilian animals.Take the opportunity to dance and sing along!

2. Do two pages of the “Ordem Alfabética” book. Then, ask your parents to take a picture of it and send it to your Portuguese teacher.
Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below. We will begin meeting with both parents and students, but then dismiss the student half way through if parents wish to discuss social emotional issues or benchmarks. Please do not enter the chat early because another family might be speaking with me.

Thank you!


1:00 Pato and parents
1:30 Edie and parents
2:00 Sofia and parents
2:30 Carlota and parents
3:00 Bernardo and parents

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