Monday, May 4, 2020

Heineberg: Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ms. Takamura and Ms. Emily's small groups please click on this Zoom link.
Eagle’s Nest
Good morning first grade students! I hope you had a great long weekend. Here is your Eagle's Nest video for this week. Watch carefully, Ms. Bobbie and Mr. K are going to tell you what to wear for our spirit day on Friday!
Good morning girls and boys!

We hope that you had an amazing long weekend and are ready for another week of distance learning! Remember, this week your moms and dads should join you during your one on one meeting.

Today in reading we are focusing on character relationships.

1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Watch Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers by Cynthia Rylant. Pay close attention to Mom and Dad:

       -What did you learn about the Mom and Dad characters?
       -What do you notice about their relationships with Henry and Mudge?

3. Read for 20 minutes and pay close attention to the relationships of the characters in your story.

4. Thinking about the book you just read, discuss what you noticed about the characters' relationships with a partner (mom, dad, brother, sister, or other grown up in your house).

Do not post to Flipgrid.

Ms. Heineberg’s class reading

When you have finished your assignment, click on this NEW choice board and pick an activity to complete until our class meeting. No screens allowed!
Please join your class meeting by clicking the link below:

Listen to your feedback from last Wednesday's lesson.

1. Watch Ms. Wilker's lesson: Mini-Celebration!

2. Write, Write, Write for 20 minutes: write as much as you can; finish your book; OR start a new book in your series.

3. Make a Flipgrid Video:

      - Choose ONE book to read from your series (your choice).
      - Show your SERIES BOX and explain the choices you made to
        decorate it with a title and drawings.

4. Choose 2 people that do not have comments on their video and comment with care about their series (please do)!

Tip: Read the book with FLUENCY (smooth) & VOICES (for the "talk")

Ms. Heineberg’s Writing


10:00 - 12:00 Ms. Heineberg is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Varela is available on Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Let’s exercise playing with the letters

The Missing Letters

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement break activity check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions ( )
1. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video about dividing shapes into equal parts.

2. Watch Ms. Eureka's video.

3. Watch Ms. England teaching you how to play math games on a website.

4. Go to this link and learn while you play.

Do NOT work in your math books or post to Flipgrid today!

Ms. Heineberg’s Math

Para o trabalho de Português de hoje, leia as instruções no Flipgrid e veja o vídeo da sua professora. Depois, peça a um adulto para mandar uma foto da sua história para a sua professora de Português.


For today’s assignment, read the instructions on Flipgrid and see your Portuguese teacher’s video. Then, ask an adult to send a picture of your story to your Portuguese teacher.

D.Mari's link

Parent- Teacher Conferences
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below.

We may begin the meeting with the student and halfway through it, dismiss him/her,  if you wish to discuss benchmarks, work habits during distance learning,  or social emotional issues.

Please do not enter the chat early because another family might be speaking with me.

Thank you!

1:00 Antonio L and   parents

2:00  Stella L and parents

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