Monday, May 11, 2020

Heineberg: Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020

Ms. Emily and Mrs. Takamura's math small groups please click on this Zoom link.

Dear Parents,

In response to several questions and requests about best practices for teaching your child at home, we have attached two video links that you might find helpful:

       Nudging Learning and Honoring Approximations
        -Nudging development and honoring approximations are important
          concepts for every learner, at any age.

      Supporting Spelling at Home
       -Matt Glover shares several reasons why he usually doesn’t spell for
        children, and ways to respond to “How do you spell…?”
Eagle’s Nest
Happy Monday everyone! Here is your Eagle's Nest video for the week. 
Good morning girls and boys!

We hope that you had an awesome weekend and are ready for another week of distance learning! Today we are learning to bring our characters to life!

1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Read for 20 minutes.

3. Post a video to Flipgrid.

Ms. Heineberg’s class reading

When you have finished your assignment, click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our class meeting. No screens allowed!
Please join your class meeting by clicking the link below:

 Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Check your feedback from Thursday’s lesson.

1. Watch Ms. Wilker's video.

2. Try the strategy in your book and keep writing today.

3. You do not need to post today on Flipgrid.

Ms. Heineberg’s writing

Office Hours
10:00 - 12:00 XXX is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Varela is available on Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Let’s follow the movements

Follow the Leader

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement break activity check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (
Today we are preparing for our time unit.

1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Get an adult or older sibling to help you.

3. Make a clock:

         -If you have a printer at home: print the template and follow the
         -If you do NOT have a printer at home, follow the YouTube "materials
           at home" instructions.

4. Do not post on Flipgrid today.

Ms. Heineberg’s class math

Esta semana, sairemos um pouco da nossa rotina de atividades e não faremos a história sobre o fim de semana, nem a ordem alfabética.

Nosso foco será a alimentação dos animais. Queremos que todos possam ter tempo para se dedicar bastante aos vídeos sugeridos, que trazem muitas informações importantes.

Hoje, pedimos que vocês revejam o vídeo sobre os vertebrados e as classes de animais, para entenderem a relação com o vídeo que assistirão amanhã.

Aqui vai o link: Animais Vertebrados.


This week, we will change our routine a bit. We will not write the story about the weekend, nor the alphabetical order pages.

Our focus will be on what animals eat . We would like students to have time to watch (more than once of necessary) the suggested videos, which bring a lot of important information.

Today, we ask that you review the video that talks about vertebrates and animal classes, to understand how it relates to the video that you will watch tomorrow.

Here is the link: Animais Vertebrados
Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with me.

Thank you!

1:00  Antonio L
1:30  Bernardo
2:00 Stella L
2:30 Tonny

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