Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Wilker: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Stop in to see Mrs. Takamura between 10:30 and 12 if you need any help with your work! Click on the link below: 

All the specialist teachers want to say hello!

Good morning girls and boys! 
Welcome back to another full day of digital learning!

1. If you have not done so already, record your video on last Tuesday's Science Flipgrid showing your drawing of the sun's light reflecting off the moon. If you have, watch your feedback: https://flipgrid.com/a946bfb0

2. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video.

3. Watch Pebble Go video about the moon. ( login: gradedsp  password: school)

4. Download the app (Moon Atlas 3D for android or Moon Globe for IOS) and explore the moon's surface or observe the moon from your house.

5. Respond on this Flipgrid with 3 facts you learned or observed about the moon.


Today in reading we are going to focus on making predictions. Get your mind thinking… What is a prediction? How do predictions help us as readers?

1. Watch Ms. England's video.

2. Watch Ms. H's video.

3. Make a video predicting what will happen next in Pinky and Rex. Explain why you think that will happen next.

4. Find somewhere comfy and quiet. Read independently for 20 minutes. 

When you have finished your assignment, click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our Language Arts class. No screens allowed!
Language Arts
Grammar Time!

1. Watch the video: Ms. Wilker’s grammar

2. Make your own video just like the one you watched. Try to use different verbs!

3. After, you can watch some of the videos from other students in your class.



Go back and listen to your feedback from Monday:

1. Watch Ms. Wilker's video: Ms. Wilker’s Writing

2. Use the posters to help you PRETEND and PLAN about your character even more!

3. Think of some TROUBLE to give your character.

4. PLAN by…
    1. tell the story across your FINGER
    2. TOUCH and TELL on the pages
    3. write 1-3 words at the TOP of each page

5.  Finally, do Quick Sketches, not masterpieces, to finish your planning :)
6.  You will write your story on Wednesday after you plan really well today. You do not need to make a Flipgrid video today (frozen).

Wilker--Make-up Individual Check-in Eliza @ 10:00 (for Friday 3/10)
Hi Everybody! 

Let’s Play with the Letters

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (gisela.maldonado@graded.br)
Today we are going to be working on adding two-digit numbers horizontally using number bonds. 

1. Watch your feedback from yesterday’s Flipgrid.

2. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video.

3. Watch Ms. Eureka's lesson.

4. Complete Problem Set on pages 147 and 148.

5. Complete Exit Ticket on page 149 and show this page only on Flipgrid.

Individual Check Ins with Zoom
At your check in time, please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with Ms. Wilker: link
Thank you!

1:00 -Chloe
1:30 -Matheus 
2:00 -Ezra 
2:30 - Olivia

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