Friday, April 17, 2020

Wilker: Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020
Happy Friday! :o)

Due to the shortened week next week, please watch for an email from your teacher with rescheduled individual check ins (this only applies for kids who miss individual check ins on Monday and Tuesday). Some small groups missed because of the holiday will not be rescheduled. 
Good morning boys and girls! Happy Friday! We hope you enjoy all of your lessons today and then have an amazing long weekend!

1. Watch Ms. England's video.
2. Reread a book you have read before.
3. Mark 3 or 4 pages that connect together.
    -Add a post it or small paper to mark these pages.
    -Think: how do these pages connect?
4. Make a Flipgrid video.
    -Show the book you've reread.
    -Show the 3 or 4 pages you think connect.
    -Explain why you chose those pages and how they connect.
5. Enjoy listening to two more chapters read by Ms. Heineberg from Pinky and Rex and the New Neighbor.

Ms. Wilker’s reading

When you have finished your assignment click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our class meeting. No screens allowed!
Please click on the link below to join our class meeting: 

Zoom Class Meeting

Welcome to the FIRST ever...
1D Mini Talent Show!
Today's a big day!

1. Watch Mr. Ingersoll's QUICK rap: CHECKLISTS!

2. Watch Ms. Wilker's video about using a checklist for your book. The password for this video is:    S4?H?6@f

3. Fold your checklist paper so that you can only see one topic at a time if possible, and mark it to answer the question "What am I doing well as a writer, and what do I want to better?"

4. Decide and do something to make the NOT YETs or STARTING TOs better. This should be mostly independent work.

5. CELEBRATE by making a video with 1 thing you are doing well and 1 thing you tried to do better.

6. Comment with care on another video that does not have a comment yet.

Ms. Wilker’s Writing

10:00 - 12:00 Ms. Wilker is available online. (contact by email)
10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.
11:00 - 12:00 Mr. Ingersoll is available on Zoom.
Let’s move and cool down
If you completed the activity, open the following form  and click Yes
Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (

Math Test Update:
Ms.  Wilker will give some details about their math test today during our class meeting today and also during individual check in times. Also, students who have small groups wit Mrs. Takamura, will practice and review any skills needed.

Today we will begin an introduction about GEOMETRY and shapes!

1. Listen to Ms. Burnie's video.

2. Watch the Brainpopjr video on Plane Shapes. (login: graded2 password: graded)

3. Watch Ms. H's video. She will explain how to make a Shapes Poster. Make and label at least four shapes.

4. Share your poster on Flipgrid.

Wilker Math

Sometimes we feel stressed because things aren’t going the way we think they should. The main character in our book today “cracks under pressure,” and has to learn to relax and take care of himself. Let’s find out more in The Good Egg. 

I’d also LOVE to hear about your favorite book you’ve read recently. What book would you recommend to other first graders? Feel free to watch and reply to other students’ videos with positive, on-topic comments.

Wilker Library

Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with Ms. Wilker.

Thank you!

Individual Check Ins Zoom Link 
1:00 -Luisa
1:30 -Keiichiro
2:00 -Eliza

2:30 Small Group ZOOM Link (check your child's schedule:)
Don't forget to complete your science assignment from this week if you have not done so already.


Don’t forget to send in your Portuguese work:

6ª feira: Ouçam e leiam um livro no Elefante Letrado. Depois, respondam às perguntas que aparecem logo após a leitura.


Friday: Read a book on “Elefante Letrado” and do the activities about the book you read.

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