Thursday, April 23, 2020

Heineberg: Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Ms. Takamura's small groups please click on this Zoom link.

💓Happy Birthday, Bernardo! 😎
Good morning girls and boys! We hope that you had an amazing Earth Day yesterday. Remember to try to make EVERYDAY Earth Day by trying to do small things that make a difference. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Everything you do helps!

Today in reading we are celebrating the end of a bend!

1. Watch Ms. England’s video.

2. Create your “suitcase”.

3. Post a video to Flipgrid sharing the strategies you chose.

4. Enjoy watching Ms. Heineberg reading Pinky and Rex and the New Neighbor

5. Read independently for 15 minutes.

Ms. Heineberg’s class reading

When you have finished your assignment, click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our language arts class. No screens allowed!
Language Arts
Grammar Time!

1. Watch the video two or three times.

2. Make your own video just like the one you watched. Try to use different nouns!

3. Then watch some of the videos from other students in your class.

Ms. Heineberg’s class grammar 



1. Watch BOTH of Ms. Wilker's videos, (PART 1 & 2): A Book One of a Series Has...

2. Listen to Henry and Mudge, The First Book (if you haven't yet).

3. Think about the poster you made yesterday with Ms. H.

4. Make a PLAN for your BOOK ONE of your series. (Remember ALL you know about PLANNING a new book.):
        + touch and tell / tell across your fingers
        + write a few words at the top of the page
        + quick sketch

5. Write, write, write for 20 minutes. :)

6. Show and read your planning/writing from today in your video.

Ms. Heineberg Writing

10:00 - 12:00 XXX is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Varela is available on Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Click on the link you want to join for today!

Coloring and Conversation with Ms. Bruno (password: 3SmeiW)

Stem Fun with Jen, Camyla and Pietra

1st Grade Storytime & Book Chat with Dr. Purcell

Riddles and Dancing with Dona Dani and Dona Ana

Show and Tell with Ms. Bobbie
Let’s play ball

Get some tennis balls, socks balls or paper balls.

Laundry Basketball

Have fun!
If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement break activity check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (
Welcome to our new unit on geometry! Geometry is all about shapes. We hope you are excited to learn about the shapes in the world around you.

1. Watch Ms. Burnie's video.
2. Watch Ms. Eureka's video.
3. Do Problem Set blue book pages 185 and 186.
4. Complete the exit ticket on page 187 and show it on Flipgrid.

Ms. Heineberg’s math lesson

Music Activity 5 – Body Percussion 1

1. Watch the following video on Body Percussion

2. Perform of the following 6 exercises using body percussion sounds. You will use two body actions to perform these exercises: clapping your hands or stomping your feet. Use the following link to access the document: Body Percussion 1

3. If you successfully completed the activity, open the google form below and click yes. If you didn't click no. Quick Music Activity Check

Please contact Ms. Olga with any questions (
Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time, please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with me.
Thank you!
1:30 Gabi
2:00 Henrique
2:30 Small group: Antonio P, Edie, Phebe
Lembre-se do trabalho de Português para hoje:
Continue a ler para aprender mais sobre alguns dos animais que vocês nos apresentaram na semana passada. Veja o vídeo da sua professora.

Remember the Portuguese work for today:
Let’s continue reading to learn more about some of the animals you presented to us last week. Watch your teacher's video.

D. Carla’s video

D. Paula’s video

D. Mari's video

D. Dani’s video

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