Monday, April 6, 2020

Heineberg: Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020
Eagle’s Nest
Good morning! We will start this week with another Eagle's Nest.
Have a great week!
Welcome back to another exciting week of distance learning. Remember, this is a short week. We have no class on Friday!

Today you are going to meet a new teacher who will be helping in grade one. Her name is Mrs. Takamura. Mrs. Takamura will work with homeroom teachers to provide more small groups. She will also be available on Zoom (STARTING TODAY) between 10:30 and 12. If you have any questions please click on this link to speak with Mrs. Takamura. Question about math? Question about writing or grammar? Need help with reading? Mrs. Takamura can help you! She is on Zoom to help you with any of your assignments! Let’s all welcome her to our grade one family!

Watch Ms. Takamura’s welcome video.

Make a short video introducing yourself to Mrs. Takamura.

Tell her your name and age

Share any brothers or sisters you might have and how old they are

Tell her one interesting thing about you (for example: what are you really good at?)

Ask her a question if you are still curious...

Watch Ms. H read the final chapter of Pinky and Rex and the New Baby.

Find somewhere comfy and quiet to read for 15 minutes.

Ms. Heineberg reading

When you have finished your assignment, click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our class meeting. No screens allowed!

Can't wait to see you!
Before starting, go back and listen to your teacher’s feedback on Friday’s Writing Flipgrid:


Happy Monday!

Today’s THE DAY writers!

You are THE BOSS of your realistic fiction characters!

1) Watch and listen to Ms. Wilker's Flipgrid Mini Lesson video.

2) THINK about details for your new, main Character.

3) Create a poster of your own realistic fiction character.

4) Make a Flipgrid video showing your poster clearly. Also explain the traits and details you chose for your character.

5) Take a look at some of your friend's characters.

Ms. Heineberg’s Writing

When you have finished your assignment click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until our movement break. No screens allowed!
Play hopscotch. A long stretch of wood or tile flooring is all you need to play a little indoor hopscotch. Layout the game using paper and painters or washi tape so it won’t stick to your floors. You can use a plastic bottle cap, a scarf ball or a little rock. See the rules below and you are off to go. tossing and hopping down the alley until you reach 10. hopscotch rules how to play

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions. (
Welcome back to math! Please remember to go back and check your feedback from last week before beginning your new activities today.

1. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video.

2. Watch Ms. Eureka's video.

3. Complete the Problem Set on pages 141-142 of the blue book.

4. Complete the Exit Ticket on page 143 and post only this page on Flipgrid

Heineberg Math

When you have finished your assignment, click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until Portuguese. No screens allowed!
Prezados pais, tudo bem?

Esta semana, pedimos que as fotos das duas atividades, de segunda e de terça-feira, sejam enviadas em um único email para a professora de Português de seu filho. Obrigada!

Olá, alunos! Tudo bem?

Aqui vão as atividades para esta semana. Lembrem-se de que vocês devem fazer uma a cada dia da semana:

2ª feira: Escrevam uma página do seu livro do fim de semana. Estes documentos podem te ajudar a deixar sua história mais detalhada:

Acrescente detalhes à sua história:

Quem, quando, onde?

3ª feira: Façam uma página do livro “Ordem Alfabética”. Vocês podem escolher que página fazer. Lembrem-se de pensar na ordem das letras do alfabeto ao organizar as palavras na lista. Peçam para um adulto tirar uma foto e enviar esta atividade e a atividade de ontem por e-mail para sua professora.

4ª feira:: Ouçam e leiam um livro no Elefante Letrado. Depois, respondam às perguntas que aparecem logo após a leitura.

5ª feira: Gravem o livro que vocês leram e enviem para a sua professora. Aqui está um vídeo de como fazer isso.

Neste fim de semana, muitas famílias celebrarão a Páscoa. Como atividade opcional, deixaremos como sugestão este vídeo com uma história para vocês.

Dear parents,

How are you?

This week, we ask you to send both pictures of the Portuguese work (Monday’s and Tuesday’s) in one email only, to your child’s Portuguese teacher.Thank you very much!

Dear students,

How are you?

Here are the Portuguese activities for this week. Remember you are expected to do one each day.

Monday: Write one page on your “Fim de semana” journal. The following documents can help you write more detailed stories:

Acrescente detalhes à sua história:

Quem, quando, onde?

Tuesday: Choose one page of the “Ordem Alfabética” book, and organize the words in Alphabetical order. Ask your parents to take a picture and send it to your teacher as well as the work from yesterday..

Wednesday: Read a book on “Elefante Letrado” and do the activities about the book you read.

Thursday: Record the book you read on Elefante Letrado and send it to your teacher. Here is a video showing how to do this.

This Sunday, many families will celebrate Easter. As an optional activity, here is a vídeo for you to enjoy with your family.
Individual Check Ins with Zoom

At your check in time please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with me.

Thank you!
1:00  Antonio L
1:30 Bernardo
2:00 Stella L
2:30 Tonny

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