Thursday, April 2, 2020

England: Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020
Good morning girls and boys! We hope that you had lots of fun on April’s fools day yesterday! Hopefully you didn’t get into too much mischief ;)

Today we are going to revisit retelling. This is a really tricky skill that we need to continue to practice.

1. Watch Ms. England’s video
2. Watch Ms. H reading Ch. 6 of Pinky and Rex
3. Record a video on flipgrid retelling Ch. 6 of Pinky and Rex
4. In order, tell the important things that happened in this chapter (first, then, next, after, last)
     -Use the character’s names in your retelling
     -Use your own words (do NOT read from the book)
     -Tell the problem and the solution for this chapter
     -Tell the setting for this chapter
5. Find a comfy and quiet place to read independently for 20 minutes.

Ms. England reading

When you have finished your assignment click on this choice board and pick an activity to complete until language arts. No screens allowed!
Warm up with some Grammar Time!

Watch a video about past tense verbs. Then, make your own math story problem using nouns and past tense verbs. Hint: This will help you with math this week!

Ms. England Grammar

Before beginning writing, please make sure you go and look at your feedback from yesterday about sorting realistic fiction and fantasy books!

In writing, you will describe your own inside and outside traits by making a My Traits Poster. This will help you get ready to create characters for your own realistic fiction books soon.

1) Watch Ms. Wilker's Flipgrid lesson
2) Follow the instructions to make your own "My Traits" poster describing yourself.
3) Please write at least 3 outside AND 3 inside character traits on your poster
4) Make a Flipgrid video explaining why you chose TWO of the inside, personality traits

Ms. England writing

Hi kids

Let’s learn how to jump rope. Watch the movie below and try all the movements you can

If you don’t have a rope at home, you can try doing one with plastic bags.
Learn how to do it in the video:

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (
Remember: Please check your feedback from yesterday’s math lesson!


1. Watch Ms. Burnquist's video
2. Complete blue book Problem Set pages 133, 134, 135, 136.
3. Use the Word Bank on page 133 if it helps you.
4. Remember to add the number sentence and statement under your word problem.
5. DO NOT do the exit ticket today.
6. DO NOT make a flipgrid video today.

Ms. England math

Dear 1st Graders,

Let’s practice Short and Long Sounds!

Take the homemade instrument you created last week, and use it to perform the following exercise. Use this link to access the document:

Short and Long Sounds Exercise

If you successfully completed the activity, open the google form below and click yes. If you didn't click no.

Quick Music Activity Check

posted by Olga Molina -
Check Ins
with Zoom
At your check in time please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with Ms. England.

Thank you!

1:00 Jeronimo
1:30 Luke
2:00 Jack
2:30 Victoria

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