Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Burnquist: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

 Ms. Takamura's small groups please click on this Zoom link.
Eagle’s Nest
Good morning! Here is your Eagle's Nest video for this short week.
Also here is the link for the LS Earth Day Padlet we mention during the video. Have a great week!

A message from your specialist teachers. 

Good morning Scientist! Welcome back to a short week of digital learning! We hope you had a restful and fun long weekend. This week we will learn about the Sun and it’s ultraviolet rays!

1. Listen to Ms. Heineberg read The Sun: Our Nearest Star.

2. Watch Ms. H talk about Ultraviolet rays (UV) and demonstrate how the mystery beads react to UV light and sunlight.

3. Reflect and respond to the following questions on on Flipgrid by Monday, April 27th:

How can you protect yourself from UV rays?

During what time of day and season do you think ultraviolet exposure is higher? 

Ms. Burnquist’s class science

Earth Day
HAPPY EARTH DAY!! To celebrate Earth Day today, we are going to listen to a few books about Earth Day and think about what we can do to help our planet. Also, this Flipgrid has a link with fun Earth Day activities. Try one or two and post your projects to Flipgrid.

1. Watch Fancy Nancy- Everyday is Earth Day.

2. Watch the What does it mean to be green? link.

3. Watch the Happy Earth Day story link.

4. Make a Flipgrid video saying 3 things you learned and 2 things you will try to do at home to help Earth.

5. Try to make one of the Earth Day projects with your family. If you make one, post another video sharing your project. (This is optional, that means you do not have to do this)

-Example activities are cereal box guitar and milk carton bird feeder.

Ms. Burnquist’s class reading

Click on the link below to join your class meeting:
Meeting ID 974 1686 5962
1. Listen to your teacher's feedback from Friday.

2. Watch Ms. Heineberg's video on Fiction Series.

3. Begin the 2 posters (You will continue completing them throughout this unit):
            - Problem/Solution
            - All About Your Character (likes/dislikes/Pet of Friend/Family)

4. Continue writing your realistic fiction book for the remaining of the 20 minutes.

5. Do NOT post on Flipgrid today.

Ms. Burnquist’s class writing

10:00 - 12:00 Ms. Burnquist is available online. (Contact her by email.)

10:30 - 12:00 Ms. Takamura is available on Zoom.

11:00 - 12:00 Ms. Varela is available on Zoom. (ID number: 377-854-2567)
Hi kids

Let’s dance! Kids Zumba Dance | Go with YoYo

If you completed the activity, open the following form and click Yes

Movement break activity check

Please email Ms. Gisela with any questions (
Today your math assessment results have been released on Edulastic. You can look at this with your mom or dad. Your teacher is going to go over this with you, if she has not looked at it with you already. Then,

1. Have math yellow book open on page 65.

2. Watch Ms. Burnie's video.

3. After the Sprints, do Application on page 151, blue book (extension also).

4. Your answers should have a drawing showing how you got your answer, a number sentence, and a statement.

5. Show your completed application on Flipgrid.

Ms. Burnquist’s class math

Hello 1st grade Artists!

Hope you had a restful holiday!
This link will take you to your week’s Art assignment!
Have Fun!
Ms Cris

If you have any questions or to share your work please contact Ms. Cris
Check Ins
 with Zoom
At your check in time, please click on the link below. Please do not enter the chat early because another student might be speaking with me.

Thank you!

                    Meeting ID  930 0385 2209

1:00 Gustavo
1:30 Lilly
2:00 Seowon
Due to the shortened week next week, please look for the email from your teacher sent with rescheduled individual check ins (this only applies for kids who miss individual check ins on Monday and Tuesday). Some small groups missed because of the holiday will not be rescheduled.

If you have not done so already, remember to turn in your science assignment from last week.

Check your feedback everyday to see what your teachers are teaching you.



Olá, alunos! Tudo bem?
Esperamos que tenham tido um ótimo feriado!
Esta semana, começaremos a ler para aprender mais sobre alguns dos animais que vocês nos apresentaram na semana passada. Leremos textos informativos. Acessem o flipgrid da sua classe e vejam o vídeo da sua professora de Português. Haverá um vídeo para cada dia desta semana.

Aqui está vídeo de hoje, quarta-feira.

Sugestão de desenho sobre o tema:
Aventuras com os Kratts (explora conhecimentos sobre animais, seguindo hipóteses ditadas pelo método científico)


Dear students,
How are you? We hope you had an incredible long weekend! 
This week, we will start reading texts to learn more about some of the animals you presented to us last week. Please, access your teacher’s Flipgrid and watch your Portuguese teacher’s videos. There will be one for each day of this week. 

Here is the link for today’s video: Wednesday

Suggestion of animation related to the theme:
Aventuras com os Kratts (it tells the adventures of Chris and Martin Kratt as they encounter incredible wild animals, combining science education with fun and adventure as the duo travels to animal habitats around the globe.)

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