Monday, March 9, 2020

Students Recording Their Reading on RAZ-Kids

Dear Parents,

As you know, our school community has recently had discussions about possible Distance Learning in the future.  Please explore one of our online reading tools a little more this week with your child:  

Reading A-Z (RAZ Kids) is an online library of leveled books with multiple options including listening, reading, comprehension and recording.  

The “recording” component allows teachers to listen to  students’ reading and provide feedback or a plan for future instruction.  Students may choose which books they want to record or a teacher can assign a specific level/book.   

Please use one of your child’s nightly reading times this week to get to know this amazing tool even more at home.  We will be practicing to record at school some later this week as well. Again, this is just a good, alternative way to support students reading development.  Some teachers require students to record themselves regularly, so let’s try it out in 1D and take advantage of this component of Raz Kids :)

 Your child’s login information is in their yellow folder in case you need it. 

Please support your child to...
  1. choose one book from the “Book Room” that they have listened to and read
  2. record themself reading (See specific directions below)
  3. save the recording on RAZ Kids so that I can access it.  

This will be good practice and also help ensure your device’s microphone and headphones are working properly in case they are possibly needed in the future.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.                        

Kind regards,

Ms. Wilker


Log into your RAZ account with your login information in your yellow folder

Step 1.  SELECT Reading Room 

Step 2.  CHOOSE Leveled Books and then choose one specific Book.  Listen to the book first, then read it to yourself.  Another day, I may "assign" a book to record, but this week, students can choose within the level that is updated.

Step 3.  After you have read the book, click the triangle at the top of the screen to bring up the eTools menu

Step 4.  Click the Microphone option.
To begin recording, click the red square with the white circle button. The recording will stop automatically at 15 minutes.   The Blue Button with the round arrow can be used if your child wants to start over. 

Step 5 Click the Stop (red square with white square) button to stop recording.
  • If Stop is clicked during recording, click Record again to resume recording. Click New to start recording again from the beginning, which erases what as already been recorded.
  • If Stop is clicked during the playback of a recording, click Play to resume listening from the beginning. The Play button is disabled until after recording has begun.

Step 6 Click Done at the end of the book to send the recording to Ms. Wilker

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