Thursday, January 30, 2020

Curriculum Update

Literacy- Students have begun their opinion writing units by ranking personal collections and writing their reasons for their favorite items. They will focus on adding details and convincing their readers of their opinions. In reading, as students independence has grown, they have been promoted to the “bosses of their own reading”! This means they are taking charge of figuring out words they do not know and understanding their texts.

Math- Students are beginning a new math unit on measurement. They are comparing lengths using indirect comparison by finding objects longer than, shorter than, and equal in length. They will also use centimeter cubes to measure.

Science- Students have visited the Innovation Studio for the launch of our new NGSS Science Unit: Light and Sound. They are exploring how light enables us to see the world around us. They also have begun studying natural light versus artificial light.

Portuguese- Students are learning about author Eva Furnari, and studying rhymes based on her books.

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