Monday, October 7, 2019

Lower School Update - October 7, 2019

Intellectual Curiosity
As you know, we are focusing on intellectual curiosity this month.  We read a book, “Going Places,” during Eagle’s Nest last week about two children who were in a go-cart competition.  They let curiosity guide their design and when the reach the finish line, they are curious about another way to design a go-cart. Ask your child what the characters saw at the end of the book!

Children are naturally curious about the world around them and we need to help nurture this curiosity.  This article lists ways to encourage curiosity and “How Stuff Works” is a great website for students to engage their wonderings.  

Eagle’s Nest
Each week during our Eagle’s Nest on Monday mornings, two classes are awarded the “Golden G.”  Nominated by teachers, this class is chosen by exhibiting the Eagle Way around the school. This week, Ms. Bruna’s class was awarded the Golden G for their exemplary hallway behavior and Mrs. Fitch’s class was awarded the Golden G for great behavior in the cafeteria and cleaning up after themselves.  

Student Council
Also during our Eagle’s Nest this week, Ms. Colette announced the Lower School Student Council.  Students in Grades 3-5 listened to a brief overview of the purpose - to promote fun and community.  They also learned about the process for electing representatives from each class. If your child would like to apply, applications are due on Friday, October 18th.  

News from the Library
We hope you can join us for this special opportunity with world-renowned author/illustrator, Peter H. Reynolds. In this interactive session, Peter will explore how families can promote creativity in their homes. There are limited spots, so please RSVP today! CLICK HERE TO RSVP

Upcoming Important Dates
October 8
5th Grade Field Trip - Jardim Botanico (Kitto & Gehrels)
October 10
5th Grade Field Trip - Jardim Botancio (Wilganowski, Wolfe & Gaines)
October 11
Professional Learning Day for Teachers 
(No school for students)
October 14
4:00 pm Report Cards 0nline 
October 16
No school - Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 17 
No school - Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 18
Graded Run Against Cancer (Night Run)
October 21 to 25
PTA - Teacher Appreciation Week
October 24 to 30
Visiting Author - Peter Reynolds
October 29
8:30 am LS Parent Coffee: Visiting Author - Peter Reynolds (Innovation Studio)
November 1
Halloween Parade

Around the Lower School 

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