Thursday, October 24, 2019

Curriculum Update

Literacy- Students have been delving into nonfiction books, both how to write and read these books. During writing students have been focusing on teaching their readers all about a topic. To do this they have learned how to ask thick questions (questions you cannot answer with a yes or no or with a single word), and then how to answer those questions in their writing. During reading students have been learning to focus on every page (paying attention to both the words, pictures, labels and captions) as well as the words. They have also been focusing on rereading to build both understanding and fluency.

Math- Students are solving addition and subtraction stories with unknown addends (“mystery number”). They are writing number bonds, number sentences, statements, and using simple math drawings to explain the math story. Students are developing subtraction fluency within 10. They will be taking the end-of-unit test within the next few days.

Social Studies- Building on the learning students did during trimester one about classroom communities, now students are learning more about their school community. They are brainstorming ideas about how grown-ups help them at school. This new Social Studies unit will focus on various Community Helpers at Graded. The next step will be to plan and interview some of Graded's community helpers to learn more about their work and how they help the school.

Portuguese- Estamos começando a trabalhar com narrativas pessoais, tanto na oralidade, quanto na escrita. Além disso, iniciaremos o trabalho com cantigas e parlendas. Com elas, trabalharemos elementos da cultura, assim como a oralidade, a leitura, a escrita e a reflexão sobre a língua.

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