Monday, September 2, 2019

1D Follow Up From Back to School Night

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend Back to School Night last week!  We were so happy to meet you and to have the opportunity to share a little about our exciting year ahead.  For parents who were unable to attend, or parents who would just like to review, please visit this link to see the back to school night PowerPoint presentation.

There are a couple of points I need to highlight:

- Talking to your child about school:  I referenced this article to support these conversations. It is called "25 Ways to Ask Your Kids 'So How Was School Today?' Without Asking Them 'So How Was School Today?'" 

- Birthdays-- Please email me the week before if you want to have a celebration within the classroom for your child.  According to the student handbook, if you are providing a treat for students, please prepare small individual portions (cupcakes/cookies) before entering the classroom.  This celebration will be about 15 minutes, and I will let you know what time is best.  If you are unable to come to school, but you still want to send in a treat, that is fine too.  Please do not send gifts as part of the celebration (goodie bags).  These can be saved for parties outside of school.  If you are sending invitations for a party outside of school, please consider inviting the whole class or give the invitations outside of school.  Thank you in advance!

- Instagram-- If you want to join our 1D Instagram (private account) to see regular photos and 1D happenings, please request to "follow" 1dgraded2031. After you request to follow, please email me your Instagram handle if it is not obvious, so that I can "accept" the request.  Only parents are allowed to follow this account in order to keep the children safe.

- Community Assemblies-- We are Community D (1D), and our assembly dates are Thursday, Oct 3, Thursday, March 12, and Thursday, June 4. Please save these dates if possible because our class will be doing mini presentations.  The assemblies are in the Auditorium, usually begin at 8:15, and last about 30 minutes.  I will inform parents the week before each assembly (at least). 

Thank you and we look forward to an amazing year ahead!

Check out some of our current learning...

Last week, students learned the difference between WATERMELON stories (big ideas across multiple days) and SEED stories (small moments).  
We decided that watermelon stories would be too "heavy" or big to WRITE about, so we are going to focus on stretching our "tiny topics" into whole stories, by adding details with a clear beginning, middle, and ending.    (personal narratives). 
Students "picked out" seed story ideas to do this work!


In Math, we are learning to make numbers in different ways (+).  This week, I introduced the Rekenrek Bracelets as a tool to make 10.  On the bracelets, there are 5 beads on top and 5 beads on bottom.  


FIVE and FIVE make TEN 
5 + 5 = 10

NINE and ONE make TEN 
9 + 1 = 10

7 + 3 = 10

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